It is my honor and a pleasure to serve as the next principal at Andrews High School. I hope you all have had a relaxing and fun spring break. I am extremely proud to serve as the principal of this amazing learning community and to continue to support the students of Andrews High School!
Our educators, support staff, and other education partners are ready to welcome you back. Our teachers and staff are eager to have the student's back for a busy close to the year. As we come back we will be working hard as a staff to foster academic success as we move into the final stretch of the school year. Our primary goal is to ensure student proficiency in all academic subjects. We will work together to create a solid foundation for our students so that they have the opportunity to become self-directed learners, collaborative teammates, critical thinkers, and responsible citizens. As I believe, Andrews High School's outstanding educators create the foundation for your child’s academic success.
I look forward to a great start to today and to continuing our collaboration of providing your children with an effective and engaging educational experience. As always, we will look to our families to be positive partners in their children’s educational journey. We will always put the best interests of our students at the center of our purpose. Join us in ensuring the success of all Andrews High School students. Stay healthy, stay positive, and stay connected.
As always, my door is open and our team welcomes your input. Please feel free to contact me via email at the address below or call to make an appointment to speak with me to discuss any ideas you feel will make this the best year yet!
Go Mustangs!
Best regards,
Ben Huddleston
Andrews High School Principal